Fostering Hope for Children
Fund Purpose
The purpose of this fund is to support the nonprofit Fostering Hope For Children. The mission of Fostering Hope For Children is to improve the lives of children in the foster system by providing resources that allow them to experience success in learning and in life. The fund will allow us to pay for legal fees, licenses, and start up a free preschool that is for foster children only. It will be the first of its kind.
More Info
Our first goal is that of starting up a free preschool for our local children who’ve been abused or neglected (foster children.) The little ones start kindergarten already behind their peers academically. IQ is developed by age five proving the importance of education at an early age. If we can provide a learning environment that inspires and teaches then we can begin to break the cycle of poverty, homelessness, and incarceration of the individuals who have grown up in the foster system.