Bidwell Park Eucalyptus Removal Project
Fund Purpose
The primary purpose of this fund is to raise money to support the management of eucalyptus trees in the City of Chico.
More Info
The City of Chico Vegetative Fuels Management Plan for parks, greenways, preserves and open spaces outlines the importance of thinning and / or removing dense areas of vegetation to reduce fire fuel loads. The targets for removal are non-native, invasive species. The dense growth of eucalyptus located at the entrance of Forest and East 8th Avenues in Lower Bidwell Park, is a prime example of an area that would benefit from fuels reduction work. Eucalyptus is prone to fire. The nature of the bark and oils make them highly flammable. The City of Chico Parks and Street Trees Division is seeking donations to complete the eucalyptus removal project in the spring of 2025.