Cycle for Sjogren's
Propósito del fondo
An annual charity ride that takes place in Chico dedicated to raising awareness, community support, education, and research towards Sjögren’s Syndrome.
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Cycle for Sjögren’s is an annual charity ride that takes place in Chico dedicated to raising awareness, community support, education, and research towards Sjögren’s Syndrome. Sjögren’s (SHOW-grins) Syndrome is a chronic autoimmune inflammatory disease that mainly affects a person’s moisture producing glands, but can also affect any organ system in the body. CFS was founded in 2014 by Brandon and Justin Dodds after they had watched their mom suffer from the symptoms of Sjögren’s Syndrome for over eight years. Although Sjögren’s is a relatively unheard of disease, it is actually quite common in the US. Sjögren’s affects around 4,000,000 people in the US, nine out of ten being women. Sjögren’s even affects more women in the US than breast cancer. Related diseases such as Lupus and Multiple Sclerosis are more widely known but affect two times less people than Sjögren’s. Our goal is to make Sjögren’s a household name so that patients can be diagnosed sooner. Sooner diagnosis for Sjögren’s means better control of the symptoms and a better quality of life for the patient. In the first annual event, Cycle for Sjögren’s sent a check for over $5,000 to the Sjögren’s Syndrome Foundation.