Bidwell Park Fund
Propósito del fondo
The fund provides the opportunity for citizens to contribute to Bidwell Park, City Parks and Greenways (such as Comanche Creek, Little Chico Creek, and Lindo Channel). Donations will help support efforts such as Vegetation Management including Fire Fuels Reduction, Trail Rehabilitation, Caper Acres Renovation and Park Infrastructure.
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The fund supports Chico’s quality of life and improves the City’s Parks, Greenways, Open Spaces, and Preserves. The City needs the community’s help to support the park and maintain critical infrastructure and programs. The most notable area of the fund is Bidwell Park. In 1905, Annie and her late husband, John Bidwell, gifted 1,903 acres to the City of Chico, “as a token of their love and affection and that the grand work of God may be preserved to his glory and the happiness and pleasure of the people of said City for all time.” Today, at 3,670 acres Bidwell Park is the third largest municipally-owned park in California. Bidwell Park starts near the heart of downtown Chico on the Valley floor and stretches 11 miles into the Cascade/Sierra Nevada Foothills along Big Chico Creek Bidwell Park offers a variety of educational, recreational, and leisure opportunities that draw visitors from throughout the region. Recent visitation estimates indicate that the Park receives nearly 2 million visits each year. The Park encompasses 17 vegetation communities with over 900 different plants species documented in the Park (about 39 are special status or listed species), along with several threatened and endangered wildlife species.