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A Makers Fund

Propósito del fondo

A Maker's fund was established to raise money to provide low-income families in Butte County with the opportunity to explore STEAM activities; Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math at A Maker's Space in Paradise, California.

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These scholarships to A Maker’s Space will allow the families full access to the equipment, tools, and space in the studio. Utilizing STEAM curriculum, and providing the tools and equipment, children will have an opportunity to explore, create and learn with 3-D printers, join the robotics club, engage in the arts, and much more. Defining Youth Outcomes for STEM Learning in After school a study by the After School Alliance; stated that “After school programs are increasingly recognized as playing a valuable role in improving science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education”. A Maker’s Space is the only open public STEAM lab in Paradise.

Datos de contacto

Pamela Teeter

(530) 413-9499

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